The Role of Emotion in Content Creation and Connecting with Your Audience



So, I shared a something once on content creation Blockers because I know that no matter how we try to highlight the benefits of creating content, there are still some impediments that affect our content Creation process.

That’s why I’m taking out time to throw more light on this stuff, okay.

So there are lots of things that stop us from creating content asides not creating time for it.

Personalities like doubt, procrastination and fear of how would it look like also stands in the way.

Others include:

1. Not having a content purpose
Take out time to decide what you want your content to do e.g to sell your offer, to boost engagement etc

According to terokeet, Key Points of content having a specific content purpose.

Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13X more likely to see positive marketing ROI.

Content purpose not only boosts SEO results — it also fuels your other marketing efforts.

It generates traffic, conversions, and leads for your brand creating long-term, sustainable results.


2. Not defining your target audience

You know little or nothing of how your ideal client feels about your business. Try creating polls, surveys or lives to inquire from them what their needs are. From there proceed to creating buyer personas and customers journey for your ideal client.

Terokeet further buttresses that a customer journey map allows you to see things from the perspective of your customers and then craft a personalized buying experience.

It helps you take inventory of all customer touchpoints and ensure that each one is fully optimized.

The ultimate goal of creating a customer journey map is to ensure that you are creating a superior customer experience from start to finish.

Also find out if your customers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience.


3. Content overload

Consuming too much that it becomes difficult to focus on one content topic at a time is also a content blocker. You can burn out or feel overwhelmed. It may be necessary to pause and work on the ones you’ve gathered before resuming.

4. Not having the right mind set or skill set

Maybe you believe you lack basic writing skills or you are not confident on video. You fear you will lose your train of thought or freeze on video but there’s a way around it.

First, get your points outlined in bullets. It’s easier to remember bullet points than cram everything at once.

Free style on stuffs you want to say. Practice, Practice, Practice till it flows naturally. You already noted what it is you want to say so feel free to express yourself.

Bonus tip: You also have tools like grammarly, prowriting aid to help you up your content writing game.

5. Insufficient Research

You need enough flesh on your content topic to create richer contents. Howbeit, content is what you define it to be. It could be simple update or detailed information on your product or service.

Whichever the case, adequate research can serve as a cushion for you.

Make google your friend.

Hope this list helps you take off the blocks.

Which did I miss?

Tell me in the comments section.

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