Simple steps on how to write captions that engage

More engagement on your posts translates to increased chances of reach and visibility on your social media platforms.

And it provides direction for you,  no wonder everyone craves it.

A great caption can spur engagement for you so let’s dive into its components, right now.

A Caption tells what your content is all about So, research your caption to include relevant keywords your audience will be searching for.

Extra tip: You should have a keyword list for your business that you use to create captions.

This is to enable visibility.

What should your captions include?

This is what your Caption should look like.

You begin with,

  • The Compelling Headline – That stops the reader and make them read. E.g Headline with emotions like Why you keep failing at (Insert word) Then,
  • The Introduction – That hooks the reader further. E.g Captivating statement, frequently asked question or Invitation.

Spice with,

  • The Interesting Body – Cite examples or practical scenarios.  End with,
  • Conclusions – That bears the powerful call to action and prompts the audience in a particular direction. E.g Like, Comment, Share, Shop now etc

According to quinntempest,   So many brands and content creators focus on talking “at” their audience on Instagram when the Instagram platform is so damn powerful for relationship building

The key take away from this is that your captions should connect with the need of your audience and make it a two way conversation.

One that gives you helpful feedback and information to work with.

Also, The reason why  Short captions are often best utilized for posts because they use powerful images that “speak for themselves” and capture attention which can translate to engagement with an audience.

Here are some engaging caption ideas for you so you level up your caption WRITING :


The key to using the relevant CTA ie Call to Action lies at the root of your message.
Call to action (ie CTA) is usually the concluding sentence in your post that prompts your audience to take action.

Constantly, Ask, ‘Why your post?’ ie What will it do for your audience?
No wonder, good Call to actions align with Captions.

If you want to get information using a form, the appropriate CTA can be Fill this form below to help us identify your needs better.

If it’s for a site visit, it can be vist this link for more information or click link or see link etc
This doesn’t deter you from being creative with your CTA. You can use numbers too e.g on a scale of 1 – 10 how would you rate your content skills or See this link for Content templates for 30 days of the week.

Your CTA (Call to Action) should follow suit. It should encourage your readers to take a certain action. E.g of CTA is Comment if this post was helpful.

Some CTA’S perform better than others due to the perception of the audience. E.g people are more inclined to download now as opposed to sign up now.

Similarly, ‘Get started now’ from stats outshines only just ‘Get started’ because a sense of urgency has been infused in it.
It’s best to experiment with CTA’S to see which one drives more actions for your content.

There are other forms of CTAS,  the ones with requests,  incentives or with emotions that adds a dash of personality e.g If you believe you’re ready to up your content game, then tap the link to begin.🤩

Story book


Sharing a story opens doors for emotional connections between you and your audience.

It makes them to see you for who you are. Everyone loves a story and when it’s relatable the bond is profound.

It’s every content creator’s dream to win audience over with content and humans are moved by emotions.

A simple story sharing how a character(with similar pain or pleasure points with your audience) overcomes or fulfils a set need can hook the audience and cause them to be empathetic.

Stories are memorable and compress complex points or lessons.

In the words of maya Angelou,
“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel” and stories are a good way to begin to make your audience feel.

Download your free how to generate story ideas by clicking on this 》


Google interesting facts around your content. This is an attention grabber any day. It’s research proven that interesting facts can lay the foundation for content and offer it a structure. Whether it’s a stat or quote, it’s verifiable and so earns trust.

When you use facts, ensure you tailor them to meet reader’s needs because readers prefer content that is interesting and custom-made for them.

Custom content are personalized communication in the form of blogs, articles or  newsletters addressing a particular topic.



These are statements that hound deep into what the audience is currently facing.

Remember that what will work for one audience won’t be the same with another.
So, it’s key to understand what captivates your audience.

A captivating statement, pulls the reader by the collar and holds them to take action or respond in a certain way.

The key to winning with captivating statements is understanding your target audience needs and how to harness them with emotionally appealing words.

What captivates your audience can be:
1. Instruction/suggestion
2. Invitation e.g Check out these ways…
3. Quote from favourite creator
4. Case studies from popular site.

Instructions or suggestions are more direct forms to tackle issues confronting your audience.

A quote from a favourite creator would gain traction because of it’s relevant context to the topic of your content. This should be applied with care.

Case studies from popular sites are good references that are also reliable and trustworthy.

What steps guides your caption writing?

Comment below.

See other posts on writing:



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