No matter how interesting a CONTENT category is, it’s always advisable to spice up your content.
I began branching out because from the interviews; quotes,BOOKS and industry trends worth of smashing could be drawn.
If the goal is to reach your audience, then looking for ways to milk out it benefits for your clients should be your top priority.
Notable Content categories are:
1. Feature posts
2. Lifestyle posts
3. Brand stories
4. Promotional posts
5. Giveaways
6. Testimonials
7. Behind the scenes
8. Open ended questions
10. Fun facts
11. Video content
Let’s describe some others in depth.
Lifestyle posts create content inspired by personal interests and daily lives or activities.
This could be family, home, beauty, makeup, diet, favourite recipes, fashion, decorating ideas, homemade crafts, etc.
So, while many blogs fit into the lifestyle category, not all lifestyle blogs are the same!
According to
Video content is any content format that features or includes video. Common forms of video content include vlogs, animated GIFs, live videos, customer testimonials, recorded presentations and webinars.
Video content usually has high competition and you must be prepared to produce high quality video that is attractive.
Featured posts are detailed posts that take an in depth look at topics.
At expantiates that Featured posts are some of the can’t miss posts in a community – questions or responses that are thought-provoking and spark the curiosity of other members of the community.
The ingredients for a featured post are:
1. Open-ended questions.
2. Topics that inspire others to expand more.
3. Sparks that draw connections between your question or response and real-life situations.
Point to note is Including supplemental sources such as pictures, videos, and articles enhances the quality of the post and rack up a higher Curiosity Score.
These are post that are funny, witty and entertain. E.g memes, fun tips etc
People respond to humor so a post around it would definitely spur engagement.
Others kinds of stuffs people respond too include:
1. Trends
2. Relatable Stuff e.g Parents respond to stuff on parenting and students to stuff on school etc
3. Controversy
By the way, You can’t create a content category in a vacuum. You should define your niche so let’s tackle that.
A business niche is a specialized or focused area of a broader market that your business serves.
Niche types include:
Tech, Food, Debt relief, Lifestyle, Beauty
, Entertainment, Sports, Mental Health
, Relationships, Health, Gaming, Writing Service
And others, so pick yours.
Extra tips for Finding your niche entail you:
• Identifying your interests and passions by making a list.
It’s that simple. Pen down all you’re good at. That’s the best place to begin.
• Identifying problems you can solve from your list. Have conversations with target market in your niche or research on platforms like quora and google.
• Researching your competition.
Create a spreadsheet and find competing sites and try differentiating yourself.
• Determining the profitability of your niche Narrow down to one service. ClickBank is a great place to go to start your search.
• Testing your idea
Create a page(On fb, insta etc) Launch product offerings, landing pages etc to see how your ideal clients will respond.
I challenge you to define your niche today.
P.S: Tell me in the comment section if this post did anything for you.
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