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7 Things we Crave As Writers


As growing writers, we are keen about one if not all of these things.

Let us just list them out now in no particular order.

1. Having a unique voice
2. Writing like a pro
3. Publishing a book
4. Getting a Large fan base for our books or writings.
5. Having Acceptions frequently and not rejections when enter for contests
6. Positive Validation from others ie to be liked
7. To sell like mad in our niche

Now, let’s have the details:

1. Having a unique Voice.

When we read works of J k Rowling, Maya Angelou etc we want to sound as amazing as they sound. Forgetting this sound is authentic to them and took years of practice to finetune. A quick tip here is, don’t fret it, just keep practicing. Your unique voice will glow with time.

2. Writing like a pro

We crave writing with rich context even when atimes it seems we haven’t even scratched the surface yet.

We love to use magnificent words (often superfluous and unnecessary) when describing settings, scenes or characters.

Words we think will sell us off as a pro writer but only reveals our struggle with language. 😂😂


3. Publishing a book

We are eager to become Authors in just a few days or weeks. We want the title and want to enjoy everything that comes with it; the attention, the glamour and relevance. We desire to be interviewed about our book writing process and invited to speak about our work at writers events.

4. Getting a Large fan base for our books or writings.

Which  WRITER  doesn’t want this? A large fan base will tell that we’re doing something valuable even if it’s over hyped though. Lol.

No writer once they begin will say, ‘hit me with all the rejection letters in this world, I don’t care. I have my arms thrown wide open to receive them’ Not one!


5. Acceptance is what we crave the most.

It’s a basic human need and we are humans too. It makes us feel better. It points that we’re useful. When we feel we’re not accepted we tend to feel threatened. While acceptance is applauded it’s better we Accept ourselves for who we are. It’s the best thing we can do for us.

6. Positive Validation from others is our badge.

To be liked. This is similar to acceptance but takes a tiny step ahead. We want people to fall madly in love with our ideas and convictions and we can almost go south if this doesn’t happen.

We forget that the positive Validation we need to pull through should come from us.
We are our number one hero and fan so we should come through for ourselves.

We should first, accept the way we are and then learn to work things out later on as we progress.

There’s lots of charged up fire in positive Validation.

7. Selling like mad in our niche.

Getting a Large fan base may translate to selling like mad in our NICHE  or may not but we should know that we’ll get there some how, if we don’t give up, if we keep putting in the work required and pray hard. Our efforts must pay!

Heaven will definitely shine it’s light on our path.

And there we have it, 7 things we crave as writers. Now, we can breathe! ☕☕☕


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