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Temidayo is an amazing author. She has two books to her name, Priceless and Love beyond words which she has published across remarkable platforms. These include Amazon, Kobo books, Bamboo books etc.

She brings her wealth of experience to limelight in this interview to expose the secrets of book publishing to us.

If you intend publishing your own book, you’ll need these marketing tips. They will make your book stand out in the sea of new releases and get you motivated.

Read interview here:

Tell us a little about you.


I’m Bolanle Temidayo Ogunleye, a lawyer, an amazon bestselling author and a blogger. I blog at I am the second child in a family of 9. Cool, right? (smiles).


Sure, we’re curious about your publishing journey. As a published author tell us about your book publishing journey on platforms like Amazon?


The publishing journey of Priceless on Amazon

I have always loved the idea of publishing on different platforms to make my books available to readers. I won’t say the journey was difficult because I had the opportunity to learn the rudiments of publishing and I took advantage of it.


How did you find readers and buyers who left you reviews before your book launch?


Like the saying goes; “if you want to go farther, go alone, if you want to go further, go with people of like minds”. Most of the reviews and buyers I had before launch were from my friends and family.

As an author, having people who believe in your works mean a whole lot. You will definitely need people who can give honest reviews about your work. You don’t have to look too far if you have family and friends who are ready to support you.

I published Love beyond words in 2018 and Priceless in 2019. For this interview, I’ll like to use Priceless as an example.

Right from the time I got inspired to write, I told one of my friends about it for accountability purpose and we fixed a launch date. The essence of doing that was to keep me on my toes and get me ready to work.

Although, something came up and we couldn’t launch on the initial date but setting the launch date ahead really helped in planning my time.

How did the networking for your book Priceless, go?



If this question is about creating awareness for the book, here is my answer👇

I started talking about Priceless from the time I got the inspiration to write it, not only that, my friends started talking about it too.

What advice do you have for authors who are undecided about who to do their edits, blurbs, preface or forewords?


When it comes to your book, your book is your ambassador, you can’t afford to be nonchalant about who does the editing, bulbs, preface, or forewords. Be ready to spend when you have to, your book deserves the best.

Get an excellent editor to work on your book, as for the foreword, getting someone who is knowledgeable in the field you are writing on will be helpful.


Are there specific marketing strategies and promotional methods you can suggest for intending authors?


Marketing strategies

As a to be author, you need to plan well. While I was writing Priceless, I made up my mind to read books on writing and publishing and one of the books I read was FANTAPHA by Eno Sam. Eno Sam talked about the Book Mathematics, planning, and strategizing before launching your book. Have a target. How many copies of your books do you want to sell?
How much do you want to make?
Set a price too.

When it comes to PRICING, you should watch out for your MINDSET.

If you have a wrong mindset that people won’t pay for your books, they won’t and if your mindset is right too, it will work for you.

This is because a good understanding of the VALUE you are giving will help you to evaluate your price correctly. Don’t forget to PAY YOURSELF too.

You can also MAKE USE OF BRANDED ITEMS with your BOOK COVERS printed on them, this works a lot.

Do a MARKET SURVEY, know the number of ready audiences you have. This will help you in deciding the number of copies to be printed.

TALK about your book, get REVIEWS, and FLAUNT them.

Create CONTENT to deal with likely questions that can keep your readers away.

For instance, I had to deal with the wrong notion people have about poetry being difficult to understand in one of my posts before I launched Priceless.


Do you have to make the book you are publishing align with your career or life goals? Like how does the book fit into your goals?


I believe our goals have a way of affecting what we do. So, yes, the two books I have written, Priceless and Love beyond Words are not related to my career as a Lawyer but they fit into my life goals- one of which is to write divinely-inspired poems that will spur men to go all out and be all that God wants them to be.

How do you make your book stand out in the sea of new releases?


Making your book stand out in the sea of new releases has to do with strategizing and planning ahead. If you didn’t get it right at that stage you may miss it.

Before launching Priceless, I created an anticipation in my readers and this made them look forward to reading my book.
Like I said, I didn’t do this alone, my friends we’re supportive especially my publisher, Adekunle Ppen, his suggestions and ideas were helpful too.


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Ebook or Paperback which is the best book format for publishing on Amazon?


On Amazon, you can publish your book as an eBook and as a paperback, when your book is available in paperback, it means it can be bought as a paperback from Amazon.


Tell us briefly What the budget is like for publishing basically on Amazon and what can you do to profit from it?


All you need to publish on Amazon is the right knowledge. Don’t just go about publishing without seeking to know what works. Before I published on Amazon, I paid for a course on how it is done and I have trained some other people too.

One of the basic ways to publish from Amazon is to get your book description correctly. Make it irresistible. Also, get readers to review your books.


Where can readers find your book, contact or follow you?


You can find my books, Love beyond words and Priceless, on Bambooks, Okadabooks, Scribd, Smashwords, kobo books, and Amazon.

You can follow me onTwitter, Facebook, and IG@ TemidayoRiches or simply subscribe to my blog@


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