This is a collection of the posts we did around COVID-19


Our first post was on WORD PLAY.

There are lots of nasty words being used during this covid-19 period.

You may want to play around some of them when writing stuff about lockdown.

Here are the ones we gathered:


Covidiot, morona – somebody behaving awkwardly.

Coronallusional – when your thinking starts getting disjointed and you get confused.

ISO – self-isolation short form.

Isobar – where your quarantini is stocked.

Quarantini – Cocktail made when you’re in confinement.

Isodesk – the workplace you’ve improvised to look good on video, in confinement.

Zoom-bombing – when people hijack and interrupt video conferencing.

Corona trolls -people who take advantage of all the internet traffic in order to create bad content, more of negative stuff.

PPE — personal protective equipment



Story Plots to try in this season of  COVID-19
Some plots like CHALLENGE   plots, connection plots and creativity plots.
Let’s begin with the first two;

Connection plots and Challenge plots.

Where challenge plots involve over coming challenges like David and Goliath story, connection plots are about our relationship with people, like the story of the Good Samaritan.
Say in this covid-19 period, challenge plots would be measures we take to combat the virus e.g washing your hands, wearing face masks, maintaining social distancing but connections plot would remind us to show care, send palliatives to those in need, check up on our loved ones etc.

Connection plots are also fabulous for ROMANCE  stories if we want to take it further, love stories ongoing this period, yeah it can be that hot!

For the last which is Creativity plot; it employs making a giant leap into discovering something different, unique and new.

More like a breakthrough, solving a long standing puzzle or for this period, being able to launch a new product,  BOOK    etc

So of all three plots we suggested; ie
👉Challenge Plot
👉Connection Plot
👉Creativity Plot

Which one are we likely to try?


Another Interesting Post was on Love and ROMANCE  during the COVID-19 

This is not one of those lovey dovey stories. This post is explorative of what singletons face in a time as this.
P.s: Feel free to drop your comments on it
Red has been indoors all day. With her physical social life of physical hangouts and partying, punctured. Moreover, she has to keep up, online, with Mark.

Mark is her partner who was a thousand miles away, in a distant city.

She kept wondering ‘When would the pandemic afford them the luxury of being together again?’ The CHARACTERs here, though fictitious, paint the reality of relationships during this covid.
Oh well, online dating apps engagement have surged, tremendously as love has also gone virtual.
#loveisquarantine app which is based on a #loveisblind movie on Netflix, is also topping its numbers of online hookers.
This means even emotional bonds are hugely at the mercy of technology and all that goes with it.

Flip sides to the positive corner, this can also serve as a test on the worth of every relationship.
We may consider this quote from one of the famous writers of all times, Oscar Wilde to serve as a measure of love.

It hints, “Ultimately, the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship is conversation”

We can imagine that while some cloud relationships may survive, others may not.
As a reminder, this post simply explores the climate of love under lockdown.
It pokes on relationship settings in times of Corona.

Hope this piqued your interest.
If so, comment, like or share with friends.

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