Read all the way down to the bottom.

Qu1. Do I have to try every niche to find out my own niche?


No. You don’t have to try out every niche to find your own. You already know the areas you love to write about and the areas you don’t. Look for more articles in your areas of like and grow yourself. Niche areas like sports, politics and tech may not be your favourites. But, you may be attuned towards areas like lifestyle, creativity and selfcare. Choose at least two from these and start reading as much as you can about them.


Qu 2. Should I read every article on writing or have a selective reading list?


Yes and No.

Selective reading affords you the benefit of choosing what you want to read and what will help you grow in your identified area of interest. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read articles about other niches but to write more on certain niche areas, you need to devote more time to read about them. Just strike the balance.


Qu 3. What if my areas of interest aren’t profitable, should I switch to other profitable areas?🤔


To profit from a NICHE you must have a USP Ie Unique Selling Point. This is what makes you stand out and let’s your audience identify with you. Don’t freak out if you don’t get what USP is. Just ask yourself, ‘What can I offer better than others in this niche?’ Or ‘What ways can I improve my services to attract others?’ Or ‘Would I buy from me if I where the customer?’

By asking yourself these questions and finding answers to them, you’ll be on the pathway to identifying your USP. Be specific about what you possess, then narrow it down to how it can add value in your market. Also, find out people doing similar things as yourself and identify what they aren’t doing, that can pave way to where you will shine.

Remember, the goal is to identify 1 or 2 areas or things you can do well and work to promote it better.

Tending to the question of Who, What, Where, Why and How.

When it comes to niche writing, having an area of interest is usually the first on the list.

A little paying attention to detail can help you discover this.

Remember, the post here on Writers and IDENTITIES and what it highlights?

It buttresses the idea that a writer should explore an area of strength.

An area of strength can be a pointer to your niche or a support system for your niche.

Have you identified an area of interest already? The next stage will be to break it down so it gets outlined.

E.g if you enjoy marketing products?
What kind of products do you love to market? This may not include marketing puppies

As you make your list, don’t forget to add context to it.

The work of adding context gives it purpose and purpose answers the question of Who, What, Where, Why and How.

  • Who are you writing for or serving?
  • What are their needs? (E.g what will satisfy them or solve their problems)
  • Where are they likely to be found? (Online or offline? At the market place, library or social hangouts?)
  • Why will they care about your message? (Because you (fill it up with your offer))
  • How would you meet them? (Which Channel or medium is appropriate to use)

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