Panic, mental distress, anxiety, insomnia, migraine etc can be linked to fear.

When we offer fear a chance, no matter how little, it invades the whole place, eventually.

To be human means to feel emotions and to be affected by our thoughts, which sometimes leads us to losing track of our divine nature.

In those times, fear can take hold of us and make us feel trapped and powerless.

If the covid pandemic coupled with the lockdown and uproar of hunger is making us scared, then we know it’s time we dealt with it.

Listed below are ways we can combat our fears:

💥Emphasising on our coping abilities
💥 Shifting Focus to Faith
💥Making bold declarations
💥Having a routine that counters fear.

Here’s what we mean by these:

💥 Emphasising on our coping abilities.

We should know that within us is all the power we need to overcome our challenges.

Panic arises when people overestimate a threat and underestimate their coping abilities, “watching coverage that repeatedly emphasizes both the rapid spread of coronavirus and lack of effective treatment” is a fuel for the anxiety fire, Pike said.

The body system has two major responses which is flight or fight. Once we take our stand we leave our body no option but to release hormones in that regard.

The fear response is often times flight and this comes with more panic and tension when we face the fear trigger.

However, if we trigger the fight response, we would see that the illusion of fear would automatically diminish.


💥 Shifting Focus to Faith

What we choose to focus on has a way of aligning us in a particular way.

When we shift our focus to more stronger forces as our faith in God, we begin to down play the fear.

We begin to feel secure and in control. Our belief and confession matters all the time.

It’s our lens with which we view the world and more so the channel in which the world responds to us.

Faith backed up by actions yields result all the time. Realizing our place in Christ and engaging our faith through active prayer sessions, study of God’s word and encouraging others to do same would equip us to trample down the fears around us.


💥Making bold declarations

From our study of God’s word, it will translate to us making bold declarations of faith.

We will begin to declare words like:

“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD” (Psalms 118:17 NKJV).

“…My heart shall not fear; Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident.” (Psalms 27: 1-3 NKJV).

“I sought the LORD, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears” (Psalms 34:4 NKJV).

And we can go on.

With these declarations of faith daily in our mouth, God’s grace and power would be released to us.

We would find strength and not feel prone to any iota of fear.

💥Having a routine that counters fear.

We should go about our normal activities as though nothing is happening.

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take precautionary measures like staying off lock down zones or observing personal hygiene, but we do not wander about bearing the badge of fear that we may contact the disease.

Most businesses are finding their boom even in this period. The owners of apps like Tik tok, Zoom etc who promote online activities, meetings and seminars are smiling to the banks.

This period can also be a blessing to us if we continue to engage in productive activities and even learn new skills to equip us better. There are ample opportunities around even in this pandemic. Bible characters like Daniel, David, Joseph, Esther etc emerged as victors in not so palatable times.

Every thing we look for is at the other side of fear.

Again, let us not forget that we can expunge the Covid 19 fear at last by carrying out all we’ve highlighted above and more.

This is not a time to fear or engage in fear triggering activities like watching so much of the covid-19 news.

A daily update of the situation is good but unnecessary focus on the pandemic should be avoided.

When we emphasize more on our coping abilities, shift our focus to faith, make bold declarations daily and stick to a routine that counters fear; we avail ourselves tools to combat the covid-19 fear and even empower others to do same.

We know we will all emerge as Victors when the wind of Covid-19 is past.

Let’s suggest other ways to out weigh the covid-19 fear.

Also, do well to read our previous STAY AT HOME SCRIBBLINGS here.

Let us hear your thoughts on the matter.




2 thoughts on “DEALING WITH THE COVID-19 FEAR”

  1. Pingback: COVID-19 WRITING POSTS – Making Monday Mild

  2. Pingback: THE WRITER’S DIET – Eating healthy vs writing. – Making Monday Mild

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